Home Rants Life Minister Farrakhan Addresses The Navajo Nation

Minister Farrakhan Addresses The Navajo Nation

I was impressed with what Mr. Farrakhan had to say when he addressed the Navajo Nation. And he’s right. They should be creating Navajo factories to make goods for themselves and to sell to the general public.

I think the Minister has hit the nail on the head with every point he has made. And what he says, could be done to benefit many people but the “elite” would not want to see a self sufficient society.

From the press:

Minister Louis Farrakhan, speaking to the Navajo Nation Council, received applause and a standing ovation as he challenged Navajos toward self-reliance based on their wisdom, talents and the wealth of their land.

”Your ancestors were not fearful,” Farrakhan told the council during its recent summer session.
Farrakhan said the Navajo Nation has the opportunity to reveal how a true democracy works. He said when productive activities begin in earnest, criminal and gang activities will cease.

”Rise up and show the world that the Navajo Nation is on the march,” said Farrakhan, leader of the 1995 Million Man March in Washington.

Stressing the unity of blacks and indigenous peoples, Farrakhan urged Navajos to think of themselves as one nation with other Native tribes, without divisions, pointing out that there are indigenous people in Asia, Central America and other nations.

Farrakhan said if Navajos think of themselves as only a small part of that nation, then they become a minority. The solution, he said, is to come together in unity.

He also pointed out that Christopher Columbus never asked the people what they called themselves when he arrived in this hemisphere. Recognizing Navajos as Dine’, he said blacks and American Indians share common histories of oppression.