Home Police/Fire/Military Boo! Visit The ‘Ghostbusters’ Fire Station In New York City

Boo! Visit The ‘Ghostbusters’ Fire Station In New York City

Located at corner 14 North Monroe Street, the New York City Fire Department (FNDY) fire station was built in 1903 by Hook & Ladder Company 8. Initially, the building was designed to be the first in a series of Beaux-Arts-style firehouses by Alexander H. Stevens who was the city superintendent of buildings. The nostalgic exterior of the fire station has earned the fire department the name Ghostbusters Fire Station as it was used for scenes for the fictional film's franchise Ghostbusters released in 1984.

The building brings about feelings of a mix of nostalgic childhood emotions as well as the thrill of the possibility of actually running into a ghost! This is where Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston who were all famous characters from the set of Ghostbusters were known to set up their ghostbusting operations.

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