Home Police/Fire/Military Massive fire led to many changes in turn-of-the-century Oklahoma city

Massive fire led to many changes in turn-of-the-century Oklahoma city

Most of the early day buildings around the Enid downtown square in 1901 were built of southern hard pine. A few painted walls and some brick walls were beginning to be used. Wooden sidewalks were the standard.

According to the Enid Fire Department history, the Enid City Council on Dec. 28, 1893, approved the appointment of a fire warden and assistant fire marshal, plus each business around the downtown square would be required to keep a barrel of water for protection against fire and six fire hand grenades (glass spheres containing carbon tetrachloride) to help put out any fires that occurred.

On Feb. 23, 1894, the city accepted the offer of the Pabst Brewing Company to buy Enid a hook-and-ladder truck. The summer of 1894 in particular was extremely hot and dry, which sparked fire concerns.

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