REGINA, Saskatchewan (LifeSiteNews) – The Premier of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, Scott Moe, has said he will soon end the province’s vaccine passport, after offering his support to the thousands of Canadian “Freedom Convoy” truckers protesting in Ottawa.
“THANK YOU for delivering the food and household products we all use every day, the parts and equipment that keep our farms and industries running, and every other kind of goods and products you can imagine,” Moe said in a statement today on Twitter.
Today, trucker rallies are being held at many locations across the country, including on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in various communities in Saskatchewan.
Here is my message to Saskatchewan and Canadian truckers: pic.twitter.com/LifQ2FK23b
— Scott Moe (@PremierScottMoe) January 29, 2022
“My government supports your call to end the cross-border ban on unvaccinated truckers, and it is why, in the not too-distant future, our government will be ending our proof of negative test/proof of vaccination policy in Saskatchewan.”
The “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa officially began today, seeing thousands line the streets despite the cold, in protest of COVID mandates enacted by the government of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trucks are parked in an extensive line from parliament, with the beeping of horns being heard for miles.
Some estimates have put the total amount of trucks, cars, buses, and RVs as high as 50,000.
Despite the Freedom Convoy having huge support, the mainstream media is trying to ignore it.
Tamara Lich, the main organizer behind the “Freedom Convoy 2022” group, says the movement is a peaceful protest, pointing out she has been working with law enforcement to ensure that everything is done in accordance with the law.
Moe admits jabs do not stop the spread of COVID
While Moe said he has had the COVID jabs (including a booster) and that he supports them, he admitted in his letter that they “did not prevent me from recently contracting COVID-19.”
“But I believe it did keep me from becoming sick. In fact, I really had no symptoms at all, other than cabin fever from being stuck in my house for several days,” he added.
Moe them admitted, which could be a first for a Canadian Premier, that “vaccination is not reducing transmission.”
“The current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense. An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker,” said Moe.
Moe then blasted a January 15 ban on vaccine-free truckers enacted by Trudeau as a threat to Canada’s economy.
“The current federal policy does pose a significant risk to Canada’s economy and to the supply chain in our Saskatchewan communities, where you and I live. This federal policy will increase the cost of living, which is now rising at a rate that is creating significant hardship for many Canadians,” said Moe.
Just last week Moe admitted that vaccine passports were used to “increase” jab rates but that they have now run their “course.”
Only a few short months ago, Moe said his government was being “too patient” with those who were not jabbed.
As LifeSiteNews has documented, Moe has flip-flopped in his statements, first blaming the unvaccinated and then saying that they need to be treated with respect.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has also offered his support for the truckers, and recently said he is working with several U.S. governors who want to lift the requirement that all truckers crossing the border be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19.
While the convoy has no official leader as it is a grassroots movement, the “Freedom Convoy 2022” Facebook and GoFundMe group has raised over $8 million in under two weeks.
Some have estimated that the convoy could be the largest in world history.
Despite Trudeau’s claims that the trucker convoy is a “fringe” protest, thousands of Canadians are “slow-rolling” to Ottawa this weekend to protest the draconian COVID jab mandates.
According to a growing body of data, vaccine mandates and passports are a failed strategy for tackling COVID.
Many consider such mandates a gross assault on individual freedoms, which are entirely unnecessary given COVID-19’s high survivability among most groups. Coronavirus vaccine trials have never produced evidence that the vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19 disease. Moreover, there is strong evidence that the “vaccinated” are just as likely to carry and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated.
The COVID-19 injections approved for emergency use in Canada have been associated with severe side effects such as blood clots, rashes, miscarriages, and even heart attacks in young, healthy men.
They also have connections to cell lines derived from aborted babies. As a result of this, many Catholics and other Christians refuse to take them.