Home Police/Fire/Military Tow truck drivers pushing for change in warning lights in Illinois

Tow truck drivers pushing for change in warning lights in Illinois

Tow truck driving can be a dangerous job when workers are along the interstate cleaning up the scene of an accident or towing a vehicle away.

After the loss of Ross Booker, local tow truck drivers are asking if something can be done to make their jobs easier. Booker was killed by a 16-year-old after a Scott's Law violation in early March.
"If you are going down the interstate and you see orange and white lights, that doesn't mean a whole lot to people," said Taylor Feldkamp of Feldkamps Towing.

Feldkamp said that working on highways and interstates provides challenges every time they have to do it.

That is why he wants to see if drivers can use red and blue lights on their trucks, along with the white and amber they already use.

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